We did an overnight trip to MassMOCA in North Adams, MA, a few weeks ago, and I fell completely, COMPLETELY in love with Sol Lewitt . I sort of vaguely remember seeing a few of his pieces at the Art Institute of Chicago as a kid, but it was neat to see such a huge retrospective. Posting some photos here as textile inspiration for down the road (not sure for what yet) -- mostly so I can find them without having to dig for them. I died laughing at his sometimes very specific and sometimes not very specific instructions -- some of them incorporated into the drawings. "The twelfth point is located as far as I can reach toward the center of the wall with my right hand while holding my left index finger at a point halfway between the upper left corner and a point halfway between the midpoint of the left side and a point halfway between the center of the wall and the upper left corner and a point halfway between the center of the wall and the mid...