I'm here! I'm here. It's been an action-packed few months. The big news, I guess, is that I got laid off in May as part of a department restructuring. (Which is fine! More time to sew, right?) I have finished projects, but that and some other life stuff got in the way of posting. Before I post projects, though...right after I got laid off, we spent a couple of weeks in Wales and Scotland. (I know, I know, but I really needed a couple of weeks to clear my head, and we'd booked and prepaid everything before I found out. So.) I didn't buy much, but here's the haul: Left: Linen with bird print from Wheeler Fabrics in Machynlleth, Wales; right: Merchant & Mills Sewing Book Crepe de chine from Liberty. Just enough to make a shell/camisole, maybe. Wheeler Fabrics is really fantastic -- still regretting not buying a couple meters of organic sweatshirt fabric. I might use the linen to try and eke out a dress, although it's a little late in t...